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My love for photography came naturally, my parents were amateur photographers. I was in high school when they gave me my first “real” camera…a used Pentax 35mm. I had only expressed a passing interest in photography at the time. My parents, in their wisdom, decided I should have the opportunity to record my life’s adventures as they had. Little did they know what a profound impact that gift would have on my life. Since then, the camera has been a semi-permanent appendage.
"I carry my camera with humor, compassion and curiosity…and a desire to bring you with me."
Years ago I said, ”I never want to be paid to shoot photographs. I want to be paid for the photographs I shoot.” It’s about following my instincts, not shooting the instinctively familiar. I don’t photograph what I see. I photograph the way what I see makes me feel. Admittedly, that sounds strange, but it’s the best way to describe my approach to the craft. I grapple with every image I shoot. I have to assume that perfection must indeed be possible and I want to wrestle it out of every shot…every photograph. Design is the core of my education. It is only natural that the most satisfying aspect of photography for me is the potential it offers for creativity
I am fortunate enough to make my bed in two places...Alpine, Texas and San Angelo, Texas, but I’m a sucker for far West Texas. A friend of mine wrote of that area “It has all the potential of the blank page with none of the intimidation.” It is where I feel the most inspired…empowered.